Thursday, December 13, 2007

Adam's Point

Title: Adam's Point
Author: Elena Dorothy Bowman
ISBN: 1594315043
Genre: Paranormal

Beware large old homes with mysterious pasts. And multiple ghosts.

A young woman inherits a house that seems frozen in time and sets about turning it into an inn with the added attraction of its resident ghosts who'd be sure to give guests a good case of shivers. But that's not all they give the guests.

A powerful spirit takes up residence above the house and it doesn't seem happy. Things become dangerous and the owner doesn't know why. Abigail seems threatened by the house that had formerly welcomed heer. What is going on? Why has the house changed? When guests go missing, Abigails' husband--Ethan, decides the women must leave the house while he searches for them.

Talented author Elena Dorothy Bowman leads us across the line between our reality and that of the spirit world where anything is possible. As in the first two of the series, The House on the Bluff and The Gatekeeper's Realm, there is plenty of spooky action to give you chills and keep you reading. You'll have to know what is the reason behind all the ghosts and events.

I'm pleased to recommend this tale to any reader who enjoys paranormal tales guaranteed to have you looking for other books by the same author. You'll be looking at large old homes wondering if they could have similar ghost tales after reading this fun tale. Enjoy. I sure did.

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