Thursday, December 6, 2007

Island Stories by Celia A. Leaman

Title: Island Stories
Author: Celia A. Leaman
Publisher: Devonshirebabe Publications
Genre: Fiction

Like to laugh while you read? Then this is the book for you, a collection of short stories by talented author Celia A. Leaman whose keen insights into human behavior will keep you reading with a huge smile on your face.

Get to know Oliver Turtle and his wife, Doll, and join them in their divided decision to remove to Gale Island because Oliver is bored with condo living.

Oliver's solitary trip to Gale Island is fraught with disasters that will have you in stitches. The marvelous supporting cast offers Oliver dubious support and you'll be thinking, "Wait'll Doll shows up." Whether you pity Oliver or envy him his courage to make such a move, you will enjoy his misadventures immensely

This and other tales in Island Sstories will leave you wanting more of the same and looking for other books by this very imaginative author. Enjoy. I sure did.

Anne K. Edwards

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