I was constantly fascinated by the article written by Robert Kaplan & David Norton 'Balanced Score Card' and its sequel 'Strategy Maps'
I used to think that article is more than enough. But, when I actually read this book, came to understand the book is much more than the article.
It illustrates the Dashboard approach of Balance between Long term and Short Term strategic metrics, for a business.
I recommend this book to all the Top Management of Corporates
SEems good. Wil read after finishing current one.
Am reading «leading change» by john p kotter right now. Its also something on change management similar to this one. Will put up my review soon.
could you be more elaborate on this. at least a small summary what's all is mentioned in your book.
Dear Vivek
You can get the jist of the book here http://managementinformatika.blogspot.com/2007/10/balanced-score-card-integrated.html
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