Sunday, December 2, 2007

Who is Margaret? by Celia A. Leaman

A fun collection of stories by talented author Celia A. Leaman who entertains her readers with stories of unusual adventures of characters who seem like ordinary people. But are they?

If you've ever done your laundry in a laundromat and passed the time with a stranger, you'll identify with Veronica when she meets Margaret. Does she feel drawn to Margaret because she needs a friend? Is Margaret who she appears to be or someone altogether different.

Can a new suit really alter our appearance? Read "The Suit" and find out. Would you wear such a suit out of season?

Step into the future and learn about clones. Would you want a copy of yourself living with you, learning to be you in all things? Spend time with Zan and Dara and then decide.

Tales that take us away from the ordinariness and lift us to the extraordinariness of living. Each one a separate adventure. I'm happy to recommend this book as a very pleasant way to spend some reading time. Enjoy. I certainly did. Anne K. Edwards

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